I Need Help Losing Weight - Which Fat Loss Options Are The Best?

Many times, when talking of weight loss, it is not advisable to think about it in completely isolated terms. The methodology you use for any fat loss program, must be sustainable and realistic, with due regard for the following tips.

1. Consciously opt for good sources of fat. Does this sound contradictory because shouldn't you be avoiding fat when dieting? Probably a yes and a no. You have to keep consuming some fat, but in moderation and become selective. Avoid bacon, butter, and full cream milk, like a plague. Make use of virgin olive oil, rich in highly beneficial omega 3 nutrients. Recent testimonies about peanut butter, for once in a while use whilst dieting, can do wonders for keeping energy levels up whilst not substantially affecting your overall diet.

2. Always burn more calories than you consume. If this statement sounds overtly familiar, then think again. This is an elementary aspect of dieting that is being ignored by countless doomed and clueless dieters. The popular media may claim to have the miracle foods that will allow you to eat as you wish and have the pounds melt off. This however, is a high misrepresentation of the truth about authentic weight loss.

3. Keep a daily record. Make estimates of how many calories you take at every meal and tally up the total to make sure you stay within your target calorie goal. Don't try to cheat yourself through convenient mistakes, under-estimates and forgetfulness. This might allow you to eat more, but you really just defeating the whole point of dieting.

4. Do cardio exercises in moderation. Doing just 30 minutes on the stairmaster every day is a great way to get the pounds off quicker. Sixty minutes however is not advisable, since you are bound to start losing muscle mass. The amount and intensity varies by individual, but strictly avoid cardio sessions in excess of one hour. A sensible alternative is to rather opt for one session in the morning and one in the evening.

5. Eat frequent but small meals throughout the day. This fact is probably over stated but makes absolute sense. In order to regulate your blood sugar level, you have to eat small, balanced meals, and it has been proven to work.

6. Set a target according to your base metabolism. Ideally it should be a calorie goal set at approximately 500 calories below it. Read other articles and related material that are dedicated to establishing your metabolism for additional information.

7. Do not avoid weight training. When you diet, you could be in the danger zone of losing muscle mass most of the time. To avoid this, keep pumping that iron and be diligent about it.

8. Consider fake meat like soy. Not many people are aware that soy chicken patties, hot dogs, riblets and burgers taste just like the real thing. In addition, there is little general awareness that soy products mostly comprise of protein and contains very little fat.

9. Minimize alcohol use. In chemistry terms, alcohol is rich in carbohydrates. The sustained excessive use, especially in the form of beer, will most definitely contribute to weight gain. Ever heard of the beer belly?

10. Allow for cheating days to maintain sanity. Dieting can be a challenging experience. Irrespective of your level of motivation, there will be days when you feel like taking a break. Ensure that you get a treat at most once a week on a nominated day, as it gives you something to look forward to. Even opt for a juicy burger, but be prepared for extra cardio vascular training during the following week in order to maintain your target.

You can now most probably understand that it will call for some discipline and commitment to put an effective weight loss plan in place when following the tips as mentioned above.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gerard_Mohamed/209579
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