Basic Warm-Up Exercise Routine

Some effective warm up exercises that can work very well for our fitness and health:

Start by standing straight, with your feet at hip width and your shoulders relaxed.

1. Stretch the arms out and rotate the wrists ten times.

2. Then, rotate the arms together, first front to back, and then back to front, ten times each.

3. After rotating the arms, the next warm up drill is for the neck. You must move your neck up and down ten times, and then ten times from side to side.

However while one works out the neck, one must ideally avoid full rotation, as this would minimize the risk of a neck injury to a great extent.

4. After the arms, wrists and neck, the next warm up exercise should be the back stretch. There are three exercises that one must do for an effective back stretch, and these are the sideways bend, the backbend and rotations.

One needs to start by stretching ones legs apart, by around one foot, as this would reduce the risk of pulling a muscle.

a. Sideways Bend: After stretching your legs, you must lift your left hand and with your right hand on your waist, bend sideways towards the right. Then lift your right hand up in the air and bend towards the left, while keeping your left hand on your waist. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

b. Backbend: For a very basic backbend, stretch your legs apart, as much as you comfortably can. Then bend forward to touch your hands to the ground. Next, straighten your back and bend backwards. Repeat 10 times.

c. Rotations: With your feet at hip width and hands at arm's width, rotate your upper body. Five times left to right and five times right to left.

5. The warm-up exercise which follows the back stretch is the feet stretch. Keep your feet together, and with your arms on your waist, lift your body on your toes. Then fall back on your heels. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

6. The next warm up exercise is the lunge or the front lunge. Stand with feet placed at hip width and your shoulders relaxed.

a. Take a long step ahead with your right leg.
b. Bend your right knee. The right heel should take the body weight when you do the front lunge with your right leg forward.
c. Push your right leg and bring it back to the straight position.
d. Return to the normal standing position.

Next, do the front lunge with your left foot forward. Repeat the entire exercise ten times, five times for each leg.

7. After the lunges, the next warm up drill is the pushups. With your body (back and legs) in a straight line, feet at hip width and hands at slightly more than the shoulder width, rest your body on your palms and toes (Not necessarily at the tip of toes. It's okay to bend the toes.) Let's call this the position A.

a. With your arms and body straight, gradually lower yourself by bending your elbows until your elbows are at an angle of 90 degrees or less.

b. Now pause slightly and push yourself back into the position A.

For a perfect push up, one must try and make sure that he doesn't jerk while going down or pushing the body back up. One must and go up and down in one graceful motion.

Pause for a moment between one pushup and the next. Repeat the exercise ten times.

However if you find it difficult to do a push up, you could go ahead with another push movement which is easier, and is known as the wall push up.

a. Stand while facing the wall.
b. Keep your hands straight, perpendicular to the body and at slightly more than the shoulder width, as your palms rest on the wall.
c. Take a step backwards with both feet. Let's call this the position A.
c. Lower yourself towards the wall, hold for a moment and then push yourself back to the position A.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

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